Millview Subdivision - Taunton

Millview Subdivision - Taunton, MA

Millview is a residential subdivision in the City of Taunton, MA.  The project consisted of the development of a proposed eight lot subdivision along an existing undeveloped way named Millview Street that extended from Whittenton Street to the Millview River. 

MBL prepared an on the ground field survey of the site and delineated the wetlands and Riverfront associated with the Mill River and  permitted the wetland delineation with the submission of an ANRAD (Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation) that was approved by the Conservation Commission.

MBL utilized the approved wetland/river front resource area and buffer zones to layout, design and permit through the Conservation Commission a NOI (Notice of Intent) demonstrating full compliance with the MassDEP Stormwater Regulations and also permitting the subdivision with the City’s Planning Board and Engineering Department. We also received approval for the Definitive

Our Survey Department was also involved with the construction stakeout for this project.